Maisons du Monde invents a new sales app to boost omnichannel sales

Exclusively for mind Retail, the home equipment chain Maisons du Monde presents a new sales app, to be launched in January 2023. From payment with Paypal in store to redefinition of a clients' portfolio, this app sets innovative rules to increase Web sales in stores, and better reward sales staff.

Through Sophie Baqué. Published on 21 October 2022 à 11h08 - Update on 10 November 2022 à 17h21


In January 2023, Maisons du Monde (sales of €1.3 billion in 2021, up by 15%, including 53% of omnichannel sales) will launch a new application for vendors in stores. This enables sales staff to benefit from the power of the website in the 357 European stores,…