Sam Bergius, Amazon : “Since January 2023, our Grade & Resell and liquidations programs sold more than 1 million products” Interviews Sam Bergius, Amazon Marketplace Manager, is responsible for Fulfillment By Amazon in the UK, managing FBA selling partners in both the U.K. and the European Union. Amazon has just postponed by 10 years a commitment to decarbonise half of all its shipping by 2030, so he explained his current sustainable roadmap to mind Retail.
Free Winnie Park, Forever 21: “In terms of sustainability, GenZ favours authenticity” Interviews The C.E.O. of Forever 21 was the guest at the latest FrenchFounders meeting in New York. After working at Levi Strauss and LVMH (DFS), and tasked with restructuring the PaperSource stationery group for 6 years, she took over the teen fashion retailer in January 2022, 2 years after the business filed for bankruptcy. She shares her vision with mind Retail on the importance of innovation to win back Generation Z.
NRF 2023: Ikea U.S.A., Levi’s and L’Oréal present sustainable roadmaps Americas At the NRF conference, sustainability-focused technology solutions took a back seat to automation and AI. However, Ikea, Levi's and L'Oréal stood out with interesting case studies and roadmaps.