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Four-day working week
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Gig workers and the regulation of platforms
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CSRD: social and environmental reporting market takes shape
Supporting parenthood in the workplace: a win-win strategy
Supporting employee carers: a CSR challenge
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Paternity leave: data observations from 41 countries
EU: during H1 2022 five EU Member States have raised their minimum salary levels
France: the proposals of presidential election candidates on the main labour market topics
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Documentary centers on the key issues of the sector : summary notes and actors to follow
CSRD: social and environmental reporting market takes shape
Eight months before the publication of the first extra-financial reports, the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) is shaping up to be a major challenge for European companies, be it establishing the materiality of their social impacts, collecting data in globalised supply chains, committing the organisation, or organising reporting. With mind Retail, a mind group publication...
Supporting parenthood in the workplace: a win-win strategy
Organisations are constantly innovating when it comes to parenthood, with measures such as extended parental leave with 100% pay, support for employees during assisted reproduction, flexible working, and contracts adapted to the school calendar. While these initiatives meet employees’ expectations and promote their well-being at work, they also contribute to gender equality and the attractiveness...
Supporting employee carers: a CSR challenge
As the number of workers acting as caregivers to family members continues to rise, companies have everything to gain by supporting them to reduce absenteeism, encourage commitment, improve quality of life at work and retain talent. Support for caregivers is a real issue for society and is now part of companies’ corporate social responsibility policies....
What type of employment status will platform workers hold? mind RH updates its comparison of several countries’ regulatory responses
Are bike and scooter delivery workers and ride-hail drivers all independent self-employed workers, and should they be allowed to freely determine the conditions of their business relationship with the online platforms? Together, bicycle accidents (sometimes fatal), assaults on delivery drivers, and precariousness related to the lack of an employment contract are raising questions over the...
CSR: support for caregiving employees, a new challenge for companies
A study published in March 2021 by the Terra Nova think tank and the Transitions démographiques, Transitions économiques (TDTE) research chair estimates that the number of people aged 65 and over in the EU-27 is set to rise from 89 million in 2010 to 125 million in 2030, marking an increase of 40%, while the...
Hybrid work: contours of work organisation patterns post the Covid-19 pandemic are starting to take shape
Between 2 and 5 days of teleworking per week. While the health crisis has spurred the implementation of telework and led to new work organisation agreements being signed in 2021, and particularly in France, it has also broken down barriers and opened the door to innovation. Some companies have gone well beyond the introduction of...
The four-day working week is gaining ground
Between 2015 and 2019, Iceland, a pioneer in this field, experimented with a reduced work week on a large scale. Over the four-year period and conducted by both the city of Reykjavik and the Icelandic government, some 2,500 people, or more than 1% of the working population, participated in testing reduced working hours with no...
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