Spain: voluntary and flexible sick leave allowances to be studied National legislation The Spanish government is proposing a change to the sick leave system. It has put on the table the idea of an 'à la carte' return to work, which could be adapted to the patient by offering, if they so wish, flexible conditions for combining a partial return to work with the continuation of part of the sick leave allowance. A working group is being set up today with the social partners.
China: vast job creation plan launched National legislation On 25 September, the government and the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party announced a vast 24-point plan to “promote high-quality jobs and full employment”.…
Réglementaire Mexico: step taken towards minimum wage rises indexed to inflation National legislation On 25 September, the Chamber of Deputies unanimously approved the reform of article 123 of the Constitution (478 votes in favour and no abstentions).…
Réglementaire EU: Commission admonishes 17 states for failing to transpose CSRD European legislation On 26 September, the European Commission announced that it had opened infringement proceedings against no fewer than 17 member states for failing to transpose the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive on time.…
Réglementaire Greece: disabled pensioners to be able to combine pension and work National legislation A provision introduced into the bill to reform the medical system means that people who are entitled to a disability pension because of a common illness will be able to continue working while receiving their pension.…
Réglementaire United Kingdom: government sets out to reduce labour immigration National legislation On 24 September, the government announced measures aimed at reducing the number of migrant workers. The aim is to “tackle the root causes behind the UK’s long-term reliance on international recruitment”.…
Germany: reform tabled to develop workplace pensions National legislation On 18 September, the German cabinet adopted the draft second law to “strengthen occupational pensions”, presented by the labour and finance ministries. According to labour minister Hubertus Heil (SPD),…
Switzerland: 67.1% of voters reject reform of occupational pension system National legislation On Sunday 22 September, the Swiss rejected by a wide margin the government's plan to reform the federal law on pension plans (BVG), in a vote initiated by left-wing parties and trade unions. Some 67.1% of votes were cast against the amendment, with all the cantons in opposition. The prospect of a reduction in pension income of around 12% put off a large majority of citizens.
EU: active employment policies promote integration and job retention European legislation The European Commission’s 2024 report on Employment and Social Developments in Europe, published on 19 September, highlights the positive impact of social investment and policies to support employment and skills.…
United Kingdom: health checks in the workplace begin National legislation On 30 August, the UK government launched a programme of free health checks in the workplace. The aim of the initiative is to increase the number of NHS health checks in order to improve the prevention of diseases such as heart disease,…