Fashion retailer New Look commits to human rights due diligence measures Transnational industrial relations New Look and the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) announced on August 27 that they have signed a memorandum of understanding to introduce due diligence measures for transport workers in the British clothing retailer’s supply chain.…
H&M and industriALL Global Union bolster agreement on subcontracting practices Transnational industrial relations Nine years after a first agreement aimed at developing representation and collective relations among suppliers, H&M, the Swedish trade union IF Metall and the global federation industriALL Global Union have agreed on new commitments.…
Italy: new collective agreement for tourism industry includes progress on gender equality and quality of life at work Transnational industrial relations On 5 July, the social partners in Italy's tourism industry renewed the national collective agreement. The agreement, which covers some 290,000 hotel workers (rising to more than 400,000 during the summer season), introduces new measures to promote gender equality and improve quality of life at work. It also brings in new professional profiles to keep pace with developments in the sector, and provides for an average pay rise of €200, as well as better protection for workers in the event of outsourcing of certain services.
France: Barilla trials support service for employees providing care Transnational industrial relations On 15 May, the management of Barilla France (1,300 employees) and the trade unions – CFDT, CFE-CGC and CGT – signed a new agreement on the "prevention of the risk of disability, the inclusion, integration and continued employment of people with disabilities" for the period 2024-2026. Under the terms of the agreement, the signatories undertake to continue the initiatives already underway, with a target of recruiting an additional 3% of disabled employees, and also to provide support for employees providing care by setting up a dedicated service that will be tested for one year.
EU: banking sector social partners sign joint declaration on artificial intelligence Transnational industrial relations On 14 May, three banking sector employer federations (EBF, ESBG and EACB) and the trade union federation UNI Europa Finance signed a joint declaration on aspects relating to the use of artificial intelligence (AI). The organisations want to guarantee monitoring through social dialogue and prevent risks in terms of health, personal data, surveillance or employment.
EU: road transport social partners make commitment on rights of third-country workers Transnational industrial relations With a joint declaration published on 19 April, the European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) and the International Road Transport Union (IRU) have signed up to a series of commitments to improve working conditions for non-EU nationals.…
EU: hospitality sector social partners sign joint declaration on skills shortages Transnational industrial relations In a joint text published on 19 March, the European Federation of Food, Agriculture, and Tourism Trade Unions (EFFAT) and HOTREC, the hotel sector employer federation,…
Safran steps up commitment to the professional integration of young people with renewal of European agreement Transnational industrial relations Safran and the trade union federation IndustriAll Europe have renewed for the second time the European agreement on the professional integration of young people, which has bound the two parties since 2013. The agreement reinforces the group's ambitions on work-study students and interns and will see it diversify its recruitment methods.
Casino group Cirsa signs global agreement with UNI Global Union and commits to due diligence measures Transnational industrial relations On 1 March, the Spanish casino group (14,000 employees) signed an agreement on workers' rights and corporate responsibility with the global services trade union federation UNI Global Union, for an initial period of two years. The text commits the company to enacting due diligence measures on fundamental rights and the environment, as well as to actively combating sexual harassment within the company.
EU: social partners meet at summit to revive social dialogue Transnational industrial relations Almost 40 years after the first summit in Val Duchesse, Belgium, the social partners met at the same venue, on 31 January, under the aegis of the European Commission and the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU. The aim is to reach agreement on a re-launch of social dialogue, a few weeks on from the failure of negotiations over a framework agreement on teleworking and the right to disconnect.