Isabelle Calvez (Veolia CHRO): “Covid-19 displayed social protection disparities among our employees” (interview)

On 11 September 2023, Veolia, the French water, waste management and energy services group, presented a global social protection base for its 213,000 employees. Isabelle Calvez, Group HR Director, kindly spoke with mind RH about the genesis of the ‘Veolia Cares’ programme and the objectives that prompted the transnational company to launch it. The programme also provides Veolia with added attractiveness at a time when it is undergoing radical change amid a challenging recruitment environment.

Through Antoine Piel. Published on 25 September 2023 à 16h40 - Update on 25 September 2023 à 16h40

A global social protection base built on five pillars

  • Parenthood: ten weeks of fully paid leave for mothers/primary parents and at least one week fully paid for the co-parent.
  • Health: financial coverage for hospitalisation.
  • Death: lump-sum allowance of an amount equivalent to 6 months basic pay
  • Caregivers: flexibility and support measures that vary from country to country.
  • Volunteering day: one paid working day per annum for an employee to contribute to a charitable cause.

What led you to launch a global social protection floor?

Concern for the well-being of our employees is a hallmark of Veolia and of our chief executive Estelle Brachlianoff, who was keen to launch this social protection programme for our 213,000 employees as soon as she arrived at the group’s helm. The post-Covid period also provided food for thought,…

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