France: Acorus promotes teams’ use of ChatGPT

French construction and civil engineering group Acorus, which specializes in the renovation of real estate assets, is training staff on ChatGPT and promoting use of the AI tool by identifying use cases within the company.  Acorus' aim is not only to help its staff save time and be more efficient in their day-to-day work, but also to encourage them to imagine new possible uses for artificial intelligence.

Through Nathalie Tran. Published on 19 December 2023 à 11h00 - Update on 23 July 2024 à 16h14

The annual meeting of operational managers of Acorus business units, bringing together around a hundred people in September, was an opportunity for the firm to offer an initial training session, focusing on the use of ChatGPT. The aim of the one-hour session was to raise awareness of the time-saving benefits of ChatGPT, and to encourage participants to try it out for themselves.…

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