EU: Council and Parliament reach agreement on presumption of employment for platform workers

European legislators have reached agreement on a directive strengthening protections for platform workers. The presumption of employment should soon apply to 5 million workers considered to be in bogus self-employment, due to their dependence on a platform, particularly for meal delivery or car transport.

Through Antoine Piel. Published on 13 December 2023 à 17h10 - Update on 13 December 2023 à 17h10

After two years of discussions, the proposed presumption of employment for “bogus self-employed” workers on digital platforms should finally see the light of day. The trialogue between representatives of the Council, the Parliament and the Commission concluded on 13 December after 12 hours of negotiations. While the presumption of employment did not give rise to debate, the member states had proposed a number of derogations from the position adopted by MEPs.…

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