France: PwC launches a pilot programme to support staff as they deal with the challenges of parenthood

The major professional services and accounting firm is adding more benefits to  its Family Care scheme that was set up in 2017. In July 2023 three new measures will be piloted to facilitate employees’ work-life balance, and improve their personal private lives. Thus PwC is seeking to augment the number of day-care places available in 2024 by a factor of 6.5, offer support for soon-to-be parents that continues for several months after childbirth, and provide greater work flexibility arrangements.

Through Nathalie Tran. Published on 27 April 2023 à 13h02 - Update on 27 April 2023 à 13h02

Providing a workplace that offers even greater work-life balance. Thus is the objective that led PwC France Maghreb to augment its Family Care programme, which is designed to support staff in need of a helping hand or navigating challenging personal situations. “Covid has changed the relationship with work, and it seemed to us that it was the right time to interview our colleagues in order to understand and meet their new expectations in order to best facilitate their work-life balance.…

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PwC France and Maghreb providing staff with biodiversity training