France: jobs and career management agreement criticised as cover for offshoring at Danone

On 5 July 2024, French food company Danone signed a forward-looking agreement on the management of jobs and career paths (GEPP). The agreement notably fleshes out details for the global DanSkills initiative, an AI-focused training programme for the "jobs of tomorrow". Unions, however, claim that behind efforts to classify roles as under threat are job cuts and relocations to Poland. The agreement is to be challenged in court.

Through Antoine Piel. Published on 26 September 2024 à 16h59 - Update on 26 September 2024 à 17h36

In March 2024, Danone announced in a press release the launch of the DanSkills global initiative, a training programme with €100 million of funding to train 100,000 employees and power 2,500 new positions. In France, this initiative, which is intended to “reaffirm Danone’s social ambition”, was followed by the signing of a forward-looking agreement on the management of jobs and career paths at the beginning of July. This creates an Observatory of Professions and Skills, responsible for defining four categories of role: developing, stable, sensitive and critical. It includes a number of support commitments for the last two categories, which comprise those roles under threat or set to disappear within the next two years.…

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