Italy: new food industry collective agreement focuses on purchasing power

The collective agreement for Italy's food industry, which was renewed this spring, covers numerous categories and sectors (including, for example, coffee and food supplements), representing some 400,000 employees. While the unions were satisfied with the average pay rise of €280, they did not get their way as regards the reduction of working hours, which was delegated to company agreements.

Through Hélène Martinelli. Published on 04 September 2024 à 14h11 - Update on 04 September 2024 à 14h11

After tough negotiations, the 15 employers’ organisations from all the agri-food sectors (including Unione Italiana Food, which brings together the Italian giants in the sector and subsidiaries of major multinationals such as Mondelez and Nestlé) and the Fai-Cisl,…

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