Bolloré Group: agreement signed defining arrangements for workers representative involvement after the group changes to Societas Europaea status

In May 2019, Bolloré, a French transportation, communications and logistics conglomerate announced its intention to shift its headquarters and transform its status to a Societas Europaea (SE), a European legal status facilitating business operations across Europe. In parallel, Bolloré’s financial subsidiaries, Financière de l'Odet and Bolloré Participations, as well as its logistics business division, Bolloré Logistics, will also change over to SE status. In line with the European texts relevant to this new change in status, management had to negotiate an agreement defining the arrangements for employee representative involvement on the leadership bodies for the new SEs. The decision was made to implement a single joint representation structure common for all the SEs. The agreement was signed on 04 October 2019 and also intends for the designation of a representative from this joint SE committee to sit on the Bolloré Group SE board of management.

Through . Published on 23 October 2019 à 14h37 - Update on 20 April 2020 à 19h14

The explanatory document supporting the approval proposal to transform Bolloré SA’ into a Societas Europaea, and submitted to the Group’s General Assembly meeting in May 2019 underlines Bolloré’s international dimension as well as the fact that it has extensively developed and grown in the countries making up the EU and the EEA. Bolloré currently operates in 17 separate countries (Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, and the U.K). Reflecting its European concentration, the majority (>55%) of the Group’s business revenues are generated within Europe.…

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