Home » Industrial relations » Transnational industrial relations » Solvay: signing of a charter on the recognition of employee representative skills Solvay: signing of a charter on the recognition of employee representative skills On 28 February, Solvay CEO, Jean-Pierre Clamadieu and EWC coordinator Albert Kruft together signed the first European text that recognizes skills acquired by those undertaking employee representation mandates so as to promote their employability and include their representation activity as part of their professional development path. In May 2017 the Belgian chemicals group negotiated a similar agreement with its French BU (UES)*, (c.f. article No. 10189) and this new Charter transposes the content Europe-wide. Through . Published on 27 March 2018 à 12h12 - Update on 27 March 2018 à 17h02 Resources The Charter takes up the methodology employed in the French 2017 agreement. Working groups comprising representatives of both Solvay employees and management are to be set up in every country in order to prepare, for each of the representation mandates,… European Framework Agreement Need more info ? Contact mind's on-demand study service Which service do you want to contact :WritingCommercial serviceTechnical SupportFirst name Last name Organization Function email* Object of the message Your messageRGPD J’accepte la politique de confidentialité.NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Essentials Les dernières publications Longer careers: a new state of affairs for companies CSRD: social and environmental reporting market takes shape Analyzes Les dernières publications Paternity leave: data observations from 41 countries EU: during H1 2022 five EU Member States have raised their minimum salary levels