Réglementaire EU: platform workers directive gets green light from Parliament European legislation At its plenary session on 24 April, the European Parliament approved the draft directive creating a presumption of salaried status for workers on digital platforms, who are deemed falsely self-employed because they are subject to supervision. The text also sets out the first standards for algorithmic management.
Réglementaire Technologies EU: platform workers directive gets green light European legislation The Council of the EU has adopted the directive on platform workers, despite the lack of backing from France and Germany, marking the end of a long legislative soap opera. The text, which is yet to be definitively approved, could pave the way for massive wage reclassifications for millions of workers in false self-employment. It also sets the first standards for algorithmic management.
Réglementaire EU: still hope for the platform worker directive? European legislation On Monday 26 February, the plenary session of the European Parliament was the occasion for a debate between MEPs and Employment and Social Rights Commissioner Nicolas Schmit on the blocking of the text that is intended to combat bogus self employment.…
Réglementaire EU: co-legislators reach breakthrough on platform workers directive European legislation While the refusal of a qualified majority of member states blocked the proposed directive on digital platform workers in December, the Council of the EU and European Parliament finally reached a new compromise on 7 February.…
Réglementaire EU: Belgian presidency proposes to relax the directive on platform workers in bid to break deadlock European legislation The Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU is working hard to unblock the Platform Workers Directive before the end of the current term in office. While the refusal of France and around 10 states has blocked the adoption of the presumption of salaried status for those in bogus self-employment,…
Réglementaire United States: government rule published that could make it easier to reclassify platform workers National legislation On 10 January 2024, the US Department of Labor issued a new rule on the classification of workers as employees or independent contractors,…
Réglementaire EU: platform workers directive on hold European legislation Although the Spanish Presidency of the European Union (which ran until December 31) had reached a compromise in trialogue talks on a proposed directive to improve working conditions for platform workers,…
Réglementaire Technologies EU: Council and Parliament reach agreement on presumption of employment for platform workers European legislation European legislators have reached agreement on a directive strengthening protections for platform workers. The presumption of employment should soon apply to 5 million workers considered to be in bogus self-employment, due to their dependence on a platform, particularly for meal delivery or car transport.
Réglementaire United Kingdom: Deliveroo riders not entitled to ‘worker’ status, Supreme Court says National legislation On 21 November, the UK's highest court ruled that, unlike Uber drivers, Deliveroo delivery staff do not have the right to be represented by a trade union in order to organise pay negotiations. In so doing, the five judges charged with deciding this landmark case reaffirmed that the delivery riders are indeed self-employed.
Réglementaire France: the government sets about tackling the escalation in sick leave National legislation Presented on 27 September 2023, the Social Security Financing Bill 2024 provides the government with an opportunity to tighten controls over sick leave, alongside which the executive is also launching a ‘social conference’ on low wages, while Parliament continues to examine the value-sharing bill.