Spain: new government targets working time cut to 37.5 hours a week

Spanish labour minister Yolanda Díaz was confirmed in her post by Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez when the new government was formed on 21 November. Four major projects are on her agenda, including hiking the minimum wage and reducing working hours to 37.5 by 2025.

Through Cécile Thibaud. Published on 24 November 2023 à 15h14 - Update on 24 November 2023 à 15h14

Yolanda Diaz has stated her intention to continue and deepen the work undertaken since she took office in 2020. “This will be the legislature of the time of life”, she said, emphasising initiatives to make it easier to reconcile work and private life.

Re-evaluation of the interprofessional minimum wage (SMI)

The first issue to be addressed is the negotiation with the social partners of an increase in the
SMI applicable from January 2024.…

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