EU: agreement on draft directive on transparent and predictable working conditions

On the evening of 06/07 February 2019, representatives of the EU Parliament and Council of Ministers secured provisional agreement on a draft directive that aims to guarantee clearer information for all workers and especially non-standard workers on their working conditions, as well as new rights in terms of employment security and predictability (c.f. article No. 10507). It now remains for the EU Parliament and Council of Ministers to validate this agreement so that it can be finally adopted.

Through . Published on 07 February 2019 à 14h34 - Update on 08 February 2019 à 12h06

By 2022, the European Union could be operating under new employment contract-related rules. The agreement found on the evening of 06/07 February concerns a draft directive that would repeal the 1991 Directive on information pertaining to the principal elements of employment contracts (91/533 and called the ‘written declaration’ directive), and compresses the notice period available for employers to provide workers with written information relating to their employment contracts.…

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