Four-day working week project starts in Brazil and ramps up in Portugal

Already tested in a dozen countries, the four-day working week is now being introduced in Brazil, where it will be rolled out during Q3 2023. Employees in pilot companies will be able to work at 80% of working hours while maintaining 100% of their former salaries. Meanwhile, Portugal is starting the third phase of its four-day programme that was launched in 2022.

Through Gilmar Sequeira Martins. Published on 13 June 2023 à 11h05 - Update on 13 June 2023 à 12h15

With a dozen countries already launching pilot programmes to assess the benefits of the four-day working week, Brazil is now also taking the plunge. Piloted by the Reconnect Happiness at Work consultancy group in partnership with the 4 Day Week Global not-for-profit community lobby group, the Brazil initiative will commence with a round of presentations to companies in June and July followed in August with a count of the businesses seeking to roll out their pilot programmes.…

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